marionne patel

Caligor Coghlan
Pharma Services

When Caligor Rx and The Coghlan Group merged, they needed a new website that spoke to their clients around the world and showcased their expanded services in pharmaceutical development and distribution.

We conducted interviews with their employees in the UK and Texas. The through line we found was their pride in the scope of their services, the expediency with which they could execute them, and the quality of their work. This website introduced the company with these values in mind.

The final site design evolved from the initial mockup in the image above.

The final site design evolved from the initial mockup in the image above.


My first mockup was simpler and more in line with their competitors' sites. An emphasis had been placed on making both sides of the merger happy, and based on their feedback during the logo development process, I expected them to want to play it safe with their site design. This initial mockup's graphics relied too much on the logo itself. The flat, one-color backgrounds also felt less dynamic than the final design's.

The final mockup pushed their brand identity in a sleek direction that differentiated it from both companies' previous sites and their competitors' sites.

Initially, the hero image was meant to be a video background. When I found out that they intended this section to function as a slider in the future, I made it a static image to help page load speeds and make it easier for the client to update.

I added interactive elements to the subpages instead. For example, their company history was displayed as a scrollable timeline, and their full-service model was shown as a clickable pie chart.


As Caligor Coghlan's branding and marketing continued to develop, the site’s design became a primary reference for photo treatments and visual elements for future communication pieces.


with Liquid Creative